Got A Problem to Solve?
We are living in a day and age like we’ve never encountered before. When the Pandemic hit in March of 2020 and world events began to unfold, Ron prayed “Lord, teach us how to live in these last days.” If there was ever a time that we need supernatural knowledge and wisdom, it’s today. I Corinthians 12:7-8 shows very clearly that we as the Body of Jesus Christ are given supernatural knowledge and wisdom for every situation, both natural and spiritual. Following is a personal story of how the Holy Spirit gave us supernatural knowledge and wisdom for a natural problem. How much more will He do this for the spiritual situations we face, regardless of the world climate? In 2003, we moved to a rural area outside of Oroville, California where we utilized a well to supply water and generated our own electricity. Initially, we used a propane generator and batteries to supply electricity to the house. To maintain the battery charge, we had to run the generator around 4 hours a day which became quite expensive. So, in August of 2005 we decided to install solar panels to supply power to the batteries, hoping to reduce our costs. Though Ron has been an electrician since his early twenties, he knew nothing about the type of electricity (DC) used for solar panels. God sovereignly brought into our lives a solar contractor (that lived out of our area) who blessed us by providing the panels at cost and installing them without charge.
A trimetric meter is a piece of equipment required when generating your own electricity. It measures the voltage going into the batteriesas well as the batteries percentage full. About a month after installing the solar panels, we realized that the trimetric meter wasn’t giving accurate information with the panels. We knew this because we had been (and still were) getting good data when charging with the generator. For 10 months we tried everything we knew to correct the situation, including hiring a local solar panel electrical contractor. He wasn’t able to solve the problem and neither were we. Consequently, for nearly a year we didn’t know if we were overcharging the batteries or not getting much input from the solar panels. Throughout this time, we continually talked about the problem and sought God for a solution.
(Read Left Banner for Rest of Story)