He gave Ron from Mark chapter 6: Do you believe…when others reject you, He will provide everything you need, He has a plan even when things don’t go the way we think they should, there’s a time for rest, God wants to save your city? Do you know….what it is to be alone with the Father, He might be ready to pass by, that sometimes our hearts get hard? Meeting with Pastor Group in Santa AnaAfterwards, one of the Pastors shared the following: “sometimes our hearts get hard and it shows by our low expectations. A few years ago I was preaching to the congregation that they didn't see healing because they didn't have faith. Later that night I woke up with tremendous pain in my kidneys. So I called my associate pastor to come take me to the hospital. The pain was unbearable. When we arrived in ER there were 40 people waiting. I was told it was probably a kidney stone. As I sat there I was reminded of my message from earlier that day.
We asked a road worker about the delay and he said there was an accident up ahead. After half an hour we had only traveled a mile and the problem with the clutch was getting worse so Pastor Gabriel suggested we head back rather than continue on to the resort. Sitting in trafficBecause of the road work, the highway was reduced to one lane in each direction with cement barriers on the side of opposite traffic and a narrow shoulder on our side. The traffic in our direction was bumper to bumper, but moving freely from the other direction and quite heavy at times. Right after deciding to turn around we noticed off to right there was a small driveway where he could actually back up to turn around....only due to the clutch problem he couldn't get it in reverse. There was a slight break in traffic for the opposite direction, and Ron and another Pastor travelling with us jumped out and pushed the truck in reverse. Pastor Gabriel was able to get the truck in 2nd and we headed back. We realized we couldn't go far because he could only use 2nd gear and we would probably lose that soon. "It just so happened" that we were less than a mile from the city where the other Pastor’s church is and he knew a mechanic there. The mechanic got us in right away.Following is one the ways God intersected Ron’s life during our recent trip to El Salvador:
He was driving to our representative’s (Pastor Gabriel) house the morning after he arrived in El Salvador and ended up on a new freeway. He was in heavy San Salvador traffic, inching his way along when he realized he was headed in the wrong direction. So he exited the freeway only to find himself on another freeway. Now he's totally lost...and speaks limited Spanish. He tried to contact Pastor Gabriel to get directions and let him know that he was going to be late, but the call wouldn't go through. After what seemed to be an eternity....and two failed attempts, he finally got through to our business rep, Roberto Choto.Pastor Gabriel, Sister Berali and Gabriela, with Luan & Ron Roberto has navigated us by phone a number of times in the past from various places in El Salvador. But, even Roberto couldn't help this time; due to a lack of landmarks in the area, Ron couldn't even describe where he was. Then he saw a police officer and pulled off the side of the road.
We also met with Pastors/Couples one-on-one and had two meetings with the leadership team from FIBAM (the group of Salvadoran Pastors and families we began serving in 2001) to plan a retreat for this coming summer. It was hard to change gears fast enough to hear and speak what the Father was saying. But, He always showed up and touched hearts in ways mere words never could.
Looking back over the “Words” that the Father spoke through Ron (fromPK Day Luke 22:31-32; Jeremiah 1:5, Song of Solomon 5; Joshua 1:1-9; Joshua 14:15; Genesis 24; Mark 6) , there are some common principles that stood out.
- Do we believe what we (say) we believe? Do we believe God has a plan for our lives?
- God wants holiness: “As for me and my house (me personally and my marriage) we will serve the LORD. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Everything we do, everywhere we go, everything we feel, and everything we think.....we expose to the Holy Spirit.
- God wants intimacy: Revelation 3:20 Jesus said I'm at the door knocking. If anyone opens the door I will come in and sup with Him. Jesus wants to spend time with us. Jesus is the lover of our soul. Our hearts get hard when we lose our love for Him. Rev 3:20. He's knocking because the door is closed.
- God wants obedience: The religious people knew the law but they didn't know the power of God. We don't have all the answers when people want to debate us....but this one thing I know. Go and wash, walk in faith and obedience.
God will be with us: God told Joshua “as I was with Moses, I am with you….be strong and very courageous”, to observe to do according to all the law. He told Joshua it was going to take strength and courage to be obedient, but He would never leave or forsake him.
God knows you: “As Jesus knows everything about you. The God of the universe that the stars bow down to - knows everything about you. The enemy is trying to destroy our faith in God. After He finished His time with the Father He saw the disciples struggling. Do you believe He knows your struggles?
Ron Preaching at Miramonte